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The Icon Bar: News and features: TextEase Reviewed - Turtle Graphics

TextEase Reviewed - Turtle Graphics

Posted by Mark Stephens on 08:04, 29/6/2021 | ,
TextEase is far more than just a DTP package. Depending on the version you buy, there are several additional programs included. In our first article, we looked at TextEase as a DTP/Word-processor and the packages available. In this final part, we look at the Turtle Logo (!TeTurtle).
!TeTurtle adds the ability to program in Logo Graphics to the TextEase package.

You get a nice animated turtle, which can be controlled from a keypad. This allows you to create and run sequences of Logo commands. Logo is a Computer language which provides commands to draw shapes by giving instructions to your turtle to move, turn, draw, etc. It seems less fashionable now, but works really well for introducing the concepts.
The keypad can have additional look and feels


You can also directly enter commands, access variables and create produres to build complex Logo commands.
All the usual TextEase editing and importing features are still available so you can add text and import images onto the canvas as in the included Maze game example, which your turtle can then draw over.

It has been 'a few years' since I last played with Logo and I had forgetten how much fun you can have with Logo. TextEase makes it very easy to use.
Elesar website
  TextEase Reviewed - Turtle Graphics
  Elesar (18:33 30/6/2021)
Robert Sprowson Message #125146, posted by Elesar at 18:33, 30/6/2021
Posts: 42
The animated turtle (or one of the other graphics provided, like a truck) is in some ways almost incidental.

The real power is the built in Logo language. A function can be triggered by assigning a link to any object, such as a button, and then do an action, such as print.

In that way it's a bit like VBA in Office, allowing a degree of interactivity/automation just without the external security issues!
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The Icon Bar: News and features: TextEase Reviewed - Turtle Graphics