John Stonier has confirmed some details of the South West show which is due to take place on Saturday 26th February 2005 at the Webbington Hotel, North Somerset, from 10am to 4.30pm.
The following exibitors will be present at the show: APDL, Aemulor, Archive, BARUG, CJE Micros, Castle, David Snell, Fortran Friends, Icon Technology, ITC UK, John Norris, MW Software, Mathmagical Software, Oregano UK, Qercus, R-Comp, RISCOS Ltd, RISCOS Toolkit, Serious Stat. Software, The ARM Club, UNIX Porting Project, Virtual Acorn with RISCOS Ltd, Castle, Qercus and Unix Porting Project doing theatre presentations.
The price has been confirmed as 3.50UKP, or 2.50UKP if you are an ARM Club or Foundation member. Under 16s are free. A free minibus will run between the venue and Weston-super-Mare train station.
Icon Technology will be showing off their latest versions of EasiWriter and TechWriter, which have both had a lot of work done on them since Martin Wuerthner (author of Gimp Print for RISC OS and Artworks 2) took over development. The latest version is 32bit, and has Artworks support, and auto-saving.
SW Show
Icon Technology